
Prof. Enes Sukić

Title:  Contemporary Challenges in Scientific Publishing: A Publisher’s Perspective


Professor Enes Sukić is a distinguished computer scientist. Currently, he holds the position of   Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering, University Union- Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Serbia. Additionally, he actively contributes to the field through roles as a lecturer, journal editor, and author. His PhD is focusing on the development of Open platform for the implementation of the ”eCity” concept based on interoperable services and service-oriented architecture obtained at the Faculty of Electronics, University of Niš, on the study program of Electrical Engineering and Computing. Founder and president of UIKTEN, an association for Information Communication Technology, Education, and Science with a reach from the region and beyond. UIKTEN established the well- regarded scientific journal “TEM Journal”, in which authors from over 90 countries publish their scientific papers referenced in Web of Science and SCOPUS. Authored and co-authored 35 scientific papers, (with 20 papers in JCR, SCIe, and SCOPUS) published in international journals and conferences of international and national significance. Delivered a lecture titled “Introduction to Science”, at the Science Club of the Regional Center for Professional Development of Education Employees in Novi Pazar, Serbia. Presented a lecture on Application for Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), to editors of Serbian open-access scientific journals, together with colleagues from Clarivate Analytics, as part of the EIFL project “Revisiting Open Access Journal Policies and Practices in Serbia“, National Library of Serbia, Belgrade, October 19, 2016. Gave a lecture on the subject of Open Access and publishing in journals, to PhD students, in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, at the Higher Polytechnic School, University of the Balearic Islands, March 2, 2017, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.


The presentation will delve into the challenges surrounding the ever-growing pressure to publish scientific papers. Faculty and research institutions face a changing landscape when measuring their staff’s scientific progress. Traditionally, the number of published papers and citations were key metrics. However, a growing number of institutions are moving beyond these classical criteria. The increasing difficulties authors face is in finding suitable publishers for their research. This includes identifying appropriate journals or conferences that align with their work’s specific field and target audience. This presentation will explore these challenges and the specific types of support needed by authors from low and middle- income countries during the publishing process. In addition to the traditional challenges of getting works published, publishers now face new difficulties in the digital age. These challenges include the rise of AI-generated content, difficulties in securing qualified reviewers, and potential solutions for overcoming these obstacles including alternative models for scientific publishing.

Keywords: Publishing, journals, conferences, cite databases